Thursday, January 28, 2010

Rachael Borak's Sr. Portrait Session

I've been a little busy getting everything set up at the second studio: 639 Main St., Pineville, LA. It's been awhile since I've posted any portrait sessions, especially with the holiday portrait sessions....I'll get to work, but until then enjoy a few of our favorite Sr. portraits of Rachael.
Rachael is a high school Sr. at ASH and came to me in the middle of the transition to the new studio spot in Pineville. I encouraged her to wait a month to take her Sr. Portraits in order to be able to use the new studio and also go to my previous studio....two for the price of one if you will? :) Rachael looks great and we had a lot of fun!

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Calendars are READY

I hope that everyone of you had a wonderful love filled holiday, and you are getting back into the swing of things? Now that we have started out the new year....what better to start the new year than a NEW 2010 Calendar? The Town Talk has copies and I have a few too.....just stop by the town talk or my new studio offices Monday - Friday from 10 am - 5 pm and pick one up.
Here's to a New Year and New events. Also, I've posted the winning models and my favorite images from their sessions. Enjoy!